
Education: Change Is Here, But Are You Ready For It?
Are these the Schools of the future?
Acton Academy: Hero Launchpad Goes Global

The ROA Way


Our Team's Book
How Acton Academy Turns Learning Upside Down
Why I Think All Schools Should Abolish Homework
Reasons to Choose a Play-Based Preschool, Not an Academic One
Please check out the articles and books below for additional reading on how education, as we know it, is being transformed. Experts and educators agree - students don’t need to memorize facts, but to learn how to think. Here at River Oak Academy we are already prepared for this seismic shift, which allows us to best guide children on how to thrive in our rapidly changing world.
Below are a few articles and books on education that our team draws inspiration from:

Kathy's List
The Dark Side of the Light Chasers
The New Psychology of Success
Challenging Mindset
Sherryl's List

Everyone learns the same information at the same time.
One teacher lectures to many students.
Classes comprise of students of the same age.
Teachers assign homework.
Students receive letter grades to measure success.
Teachers are the authority.
School is like a factory with bells, shifts, and one-size-fits-all.
Rows of desks face a teacher at the blackboard.
Memorization of information for test-taking.